Poem for You & about You
Posted on: Sunday, April 25, 2010
Posted at: 6:33 PM
Posted by: Geng Hao
Hey, it's been really, really long since I've posted. But I hope all of you are still visiting and doing fine...
A few days ago, Hui Jie & I came up with this idea of collaborating to write a poem about God - and it worked out pretty well! We've just completed our work, actually. I hope you'll enjoy it:
I will ride on Your wings, and let the strength of your flight bring me through all things
Lifting me up without a worry, for it's for freedom that You set me free
Through the fog we'll fly, through the deserts we'll pass, for I know that Your kingdom will come to last
So let me follow You for all my days, reassured that You'll light the way.
I'll conquer the valleys and I'll scale the mountains, with you I'll be the rightful champion
My sanctuary's found in Your heavenly arms, for it's my only eternal calm
Even when my faith has wavered and I'm fallen from grace, it's Your name I'll always embrace
For You know my every thought and my very soul, in You I'll always grow.
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, in You my love never subsides
In times of lack, and when I'm deprived, I won't worry 'cause it's You who provides
Use me as Your vessel, and rest assured it'll never be hollow
For Lord, You are the captain of my ship; wherever you steer, I will always follow.
For every verse, we contributed two lines each. But if you're going to question who wrote which line, well... we'll leave it to you to do the guessing.
Thank God we've managed to complete this (awesome) poem! For He is greatly to be praised. :)
Over and out!
You are highly exalted
Posted on: Thursday, April 22, 2010
Posted at: 9:53 PM
Posted by: Ruth. Ai Lin .
Riding on His wingsWe have one life,let's live it well.In this one life,what have you contribute to improve your life?your character?relationship with people?help in God's work?
What is God primary purpose for us?What interests God most?What pleases our God?
People pleases God.God loves relationships,He enjoys friendship like we do.He is happy when your relationship with your family has restored,He smiles when you pray & seek Him.He sings with you when you worship,He dances with you when you praise.He wipe your tears when you cry,He gives you wisdom when you study for exam.He blesses your food when you eat.He sent your guardian angel to protect you when you are asleep.He is there when you are left alone,thinking that no one cares.He is just waiting for you to seek Him.
God is our friend,He wants to be your friend,your best friend, a true friend.
Friend,are you satisfied with your life?What is something that you always want but cannot achieve?Is it a temporary fame wealth power?It may satisfy you but only temporary.You find that you have to always keep fighting these recognitions for yourself. Why not,Let God,fight for you?Are you worried about your life,your future? Why not,let God pave for you.
Today,He is paving my path.Life is wonderful with Him,knowing He is walking with me I need not fear.My life is full of purpose,He has given me eternal hope,joy and love.People will fail you because people is not perfect.But God..
God never fails because He is perfect.
Salvation is the greatest gift you can ever have and experience.Treasure and guard it.Nothing can buy salvation.
Friend,yes YOU...let God rule your life.
Maturity in Christ
Posted on: Sunday, December 20, 2009
Posted at: 2:37 PM
Posted by: Yi Ren...
Hi. It seems long since I last posted something here. Pardon for my grammar mistakes, etc. >.<
I have this constant worry about the members of E290 (including myself). It's on the subject of maturity in Christ. Not exactly maturity, but enthusiasm one has for Christ + maturity of someone in Christ.
I am deeply concerned if one has a proper relationship with Christ or not. Many people assume that their presence in Church only would mean having a proper relationship with Christ. It is not necessary.
Having this proper relationship with Christ requires time, and of course, one's willingness to sacrifice one's time and energy. You have to pray and communicate with God constantly. Maturity in Christ will come forth when you have a proper relationship with Christ.
How can one have a proper relationship with Christ?
You have to pray to God, talk to Him everyday. Have a intimate conversation with God. You don't have to be too formal. Talk to Him like a normal friend. You can talk to God about every thing which had happened in your life on that day. You can also tell God about your expectations, what you want to see in your life, et cetera. Prayer is not only prayer. Prayer is actually talking to God. You will have a stronger faith when you keep talking to God.
However, having a proper relationship with Christ does not rely totally on prayers.
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." - Romans 10:17
You have to read the bible constantly in order to have a closer relationship with Christ. When you talk to someone, you expect an answer from that person. Similary, when you talk to Christ, you may want an answer from Christ regarding a particular question. God can talk to you through the bible. He may want you to know certain information which will help you.
When you read the bible, you may highlight those verses which you find meaningful/encouraging. Have a notebook and a pen by your side. When you read certain verses which you don't understand, write down those verses on that notebook. Ask your leaders or someone who is more spiritually matured than you, and they will be glad to explain those verses to you. Also, when you are reading the bible, you may come across certain verses which may speak directly to you. Write down those verses, and further elaborate these verses by writing down what you think/feel about these verses. You msy also think about how you can encourage others using those verses which you had read. You are also welcomed to share these verses with your cell group friends on the next cell group meeting/gathering. Do tell God about what He has spoken to you!
You will definitely meet people who are of different level of maturity in church. It will be good if you are able to share with people from different cell groups about your Christian walk, your faith in God, et cetera. Also, you will get to experience and encounter God during church services. You will also get to worship God in a bigger place, with greater atmosphere. The message which is going to be shared by the speaker will bring you to another level of maturity.
You are encouraged reach church 15 to 30 minutes before the service start, so as to fellowship with your cell group friends and people from other cells. Use this time to encourage one another, pray with one another, pray that the sermon will speak to and impact each other's life.
During the service, do pay attention to the speaker, jot down notes, et cetera.
Do not be in a hurry to go home after the service. Have dinner with one another, fellowship with one another.
Cell group meeting is important too! Do turn up so as to fellowship with one another. It's not a waste of time.
Ultimately, it's your attitude which determine your relationship with God. When you have a proper relationship, you will have true maturity. You can't possibly wait for your leaders to make certain phone calls to encourage you in order for you to start reading your bible, et cetera. If that's the case, our leaders will be super super super busy, as they have to make phone calls to everyone else whom they know.
Start doing what you're supposed to do today. Start having a closer relationship with God. God is waiting for you everyday, waiting for you to talk to Him, listen to him, spend time with Him. Are you willing to make the sacrifice, to be a true Christian?
What do you really want?
Posted on: Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Posted at: 11:54 PM
Posted by: Geng Hao
Are you really satisfied with what you get out of life? Will things that you can see, hear, smell, taste and feel provide you with an everlasting abundance of value and joy?
Oftentimes, what we desire the most in our lives are outcomes that can only be fulfilled from within ourselves. Will dollar signs provide an answer to having a closer relationship with God? Will an impartial society mould a person into one who possesses deep values of integrity? Can an improving economy possibly make way for a clear direction in life?
According to Psalms 16:11, "In Your presence is fullness of joy". It's an inevitable fact that humans are greedy beings. Earthly gifts from God can only clear our skies for a day. We will not be satisfied unless we receive the fullness of joy that God provides.
So, remain in the right relationship with the Lord! Become thankful in prayer and trigger his power, worship and praise Him with an attitude that's truly expressed through your mind & body, but most importantly,
let Him and His word rule in our hearts. :)
As the spirit's strength continues to build up our "inner man", we will realise that it's not up to an external entity to fulfill our desires, but that it's all about God and letting Him have a place in our hearts;
within ourselves. Let Him be the right choice as we begin to realise and achieve our heartfelt outcomes and goals. He is and will bring us true happiness. :)
I know not by what methods rare
The Lord provides for me,
I only know that all my needs
He meets so graciously.
Just trying to revive this almost "dead" blog by putting up my first entry. I hope you like it - this entry is basically how I felt after reading my Daily Bread. :)
Cell Group Outing 2009!
Posted on: Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Posted at: 12:19 PM
Posted by: Ruth. Ai Lin .

Thank God for all of YOU!
<3 E290 :)